Digital Array EIA Scoping Report
Landing Page
Introductory Chapters
Section 1
Section 2
Project Description
Project Description
Section 3
Site Selection Methodology and Consideration of Alternatives
Site Selection Methodology and Consideration of Alternatives
Section 4
EIA Methodology
EIA Methodology
Offshore Physical Environment
Section 5.1
Physical Processes
Physical Processes
Section 5.2
Subsea Noise
Subsea Noise
Section 5.3
Airborne Noise
Airborne Noise
Section 5.4
Offshore Air Quality
Offshore Air Quality
Section 5.5
Climatic Effects
Climatic Effects
Offshore Biological Environment
Section 6.1
Benthic Subtidal Ecology
Benthic Subtidal Ecology
Section 6.2
Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Section 6.3
Marine Mammals
Marine Mammals
Section 6.4
Offshore Ornithology
Offshore Ornithology
Offshore Human and Socio-Economic Environment
Section 7.1
Commercial Fisheries
Commercial Fisheries
Section 7.2
Shipping and Navigation
Shipping and Navigation
Section 7.3
Aviation, Military and Communications
Aviation, Military and Communications
Section 7.4
Marine Archaeology
Marine Archaeology
Section 7.5
Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources
Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources
Section 7.6
Infrastructure and Other Users
Infrastructure and Other Users
Section 7.7
Offshore Socio-Economics
Offshore Socio-Economics
Concluding Chapters
Section 8
Appendix 1
Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Appendix 2
Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register
Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register
Appendix 3
Transboundary Screening
Transboundary Screening
Appendix 4
Policy and Legislation
Policy and Legislation
Appendix 5
Physical Processes - Baseline Environment
Physical Processes - Baseline Environment
Appendix 6
Benthic Subtidal Ecology - Baseline Environment
Benthic Subtidal Ecology - Baseline Environment
Appendix 7
Benthic Subtidal Ecology - Environmental Survey Report
Benthic Subtidal Ecology - Environmental Survey Report
Appendix 8
Fish and Shellfish Ecology - Baseline Environment
Fish and Shellfish Ecology - Baseline Environment
Appendix 9
Marine Mammals - Baseline Environment
Marine Mammals - Baseline Environment
Appendix 10
Commercial Fisheries - Baseline Environment
Commercial Fisheries - Baseline Environment
Appendix 11
Marine Archaeology - Baseline Environment
Marine Archaeology - Baseline Environment
Appendix 12
Offshore Socio-Economics - Baseline Environment
Offshore Socio-Economics - Baseline Environment
Appendix 13
Offshore Scoping Report
6.4. Offshore Ornithology
6.4.1. Introduction
6.4.2. Study Area
6.4.3. Baseline Environment
6.4.4. Designed In Measures
6.4.5. Potential Impacts After the Implementation of Designed in Measures
6.4.6. Relevant Consultations
6.4.7. Proposed Approach to the Environmental Impact Assessment
6.4.8. Potential Cumulative Effects
6.4.9. Potential Transboundary Impacts
6.4.10. Scoping Questions to Consultees
6.4.11. Next Steps
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Figures ▼
Figure 1.1
Location of the Site Boundary Within Which the Array Will be Located
Location of the Site Boundary Within Which the Array Will be Located
Figure 2.1
Schematic of a Typical Floating Wind Turbine
Schematic of a Typical Floating Wind Turbine
Figure 2.2
Floating Substructure Options for the Array
Floating Substructure Options for the Array
Figure 2.3
Schematic of Mooring System Options for Floating Wind Turbines
Schematic of Mooring System Options for Floating Wind Turbines
Figure 2.4
Schematic of Anchoring Options Under Consideration as Part of the Proposed Mooring Configurations (Images Courtesy of Intermoor)
Schematic of Anchoring Options Under Consideration as Part of the Proposed Mooring Configurations (Images Courtesy of Intermoor)
Figure 2.5
Schematic of Mooring Line Connectors and Ancillaries
Schematic of Mooring Line Connectors and Ancillaries
Figure 2.6
Typical Schematic of the Dynamic/Static Inter-array Cable System (Subject to Detailed Design Configuration)
Typical Schematic of the Dynamic/Static Inter-array Cable System (Subject to Detailed Design Configuration)
Figure 4.1
Stages of the Licensing Process in Scottish Waters
Stages of the Licensing Process in Scottish Waters
Figure 4.2
Proposed Proportionate EIA Process Used Within this Scoping Report and the Subsequent Array EIA Report
Proposed Proportionate EIA Process Used Within this Scoping Report and the Subsequent Array EIA Report
Figure 4.3
Proposed Iterative Approach to Mitigation Within the Array EIA Report
Proposed Iterative Approach to Mitigation Within the Array EIA Report
Figure 5.1
Seabed Features within the Site Boundary
Seabed Features within the Site Boundary
Figure 5.2
Offshore Wind Farms in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Offshore Wind Farms in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Figure 5.3
Different Levels of Significance of Effect plotted against the UK’s Net Zero Compatible Trajectory[6] (Source: IEMA, 2022)
Different Levels of Significance of Effect plotted against the UK’s Net Zero Compatible Trajectory[6] (Source: IEMA, 2022)
Figure 6.1
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Study Areas
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Study Areas
Figure 6.2
Sediment Features and Boulder Fields Within the Site Boundary
Sediment Features and Boulder Fields Within the Site Boundary
Figure 6.3
Site Boundary and Fish and Shellfish Ecology Study Area
Site Boundary and Fish and Shellfish Ecology Study Area
Figure 6.4
Marine Mammal Study Areas
Marine Mammal Study Areas
Figure 6.5
Management Units for Relevant Marine Mammal Species in the Vicinity of the Array
Management Units for Relevant Marine Mammal Species in the Vicinity of the Array
Figure 6.6
Offshore Ornithology Aerial Survey Study Area, with the Survey Transects Shown
Offshore Ornithology Aerial Survey Study Area, with the Survey Transects Shown
Figure 7.1
Commercial Fisheries Study Area
Commercial Fisheries Study Area
Figure 7.2
Total Fishing Effort of UK Vessels (>15 m) in 2020 (kW/h) (Source: Marine Scotland, 2021c)
Total Fishing Effort of UK Vessels (>15 m) in 2020 (kW/h) (Source: Marine Scotland, 2021c)
Figure 7.3
Overview of the Shipping and Navigation Study Area
Overview of the Shipping and Navigation Study Area
Figure 7.4
Navigational Features in Proximity to the Array
Navigational Features in Proximity to the Array
Figure 7.5
28 Days Vessel Traffic Data by Vessel Type
28 Days Vessel Traffic Data by Vessel Type
Figure 7.6
Array and Aviation, Military and Communications Study Area
Array and Aviation, Military and Communications Study Area
Figure 7.7
Marine Archaeology Study Area
Marine Archaeology Study Area
Figure 7.8
Position of UKHO Records in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Position of UKHO Records in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Figure 7.9
SLVIA Study Area
SLVIA Study Area
Figure 7.10
Viewpoint Locations
Viewpoint Locations
Figure 7.11
Viewpoint 1 Girdle Ness
Viewpoint 1 Girdle Ness
Figure 7.12
Viewpoint 2 Tullos Hill
Viewpoint 2 Tullos Hill
Figure 7.13
Viewpoint 3 Coast Road Near Souter Head
Viewpoint 3 Coast Road Near Souter Head
Figure 7.14
Viewpoint 4 Portlethen
Viewpoint 4 Portlethen
Figure 7.15
Infrastructure and Other Users Study Area
Infrastructure and Other Users Study Area
Figure 7.16
All Recreational Activities in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
All Recreational Activities in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Figure 7.17
RYA Recreational AIS Intensity in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
RYA Recreational AIS Intensity in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Figure 7.18
Recreational Activities (Windsurfing, Surfing and SCUBA) in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Recreational Activities (Windsurfing, Surfing and SCUBA) in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Figure 7.19
Key Infrastructure and Other Users in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary, Including Marine Disposal Sites
Key Infrastructure and Other Users in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary, Including Marine Disposal Sites
Apx Figure 5.1
Bathymetry Across the Site Boundary
Bathymetry Across the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 5.2
Sediment Classification Across the Site Boundary
Sediment Classification Across the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 5.3
Superficial Geology and Seabed Features Across the Site Boundary
Superficial Geology and Seabed Features Across the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 6.1
Location of Sampling Sites During the Site-Specific Benthic Surveys Conducted in July 2022
Location of Sampling Sites During the Site-Specific Benthic Surveys Conducted in July 2022
Apx Figure 6.2
Predicted EUNIS Habitats from the EUSeaMap for the Site Boundary (EMODnet, 2019)
Predicted EUNIS Habitats from the EUSeaMap for the Site Boundary (EMODnet, 2019)
Apx Figure 6.3
Sediment Features and Boulder Fields within the Site Boundary
Sediment Features and Boulder Fields within the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 6.4
Bathymetry Within the Site Boundary
Bathymetry Within the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 6.5
Surficial Geology and Seabed Features Within the Site Boundary
Surficial Geology and Seabed Features Within the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 6.6
Sites Designated for Relevant Benthic Ecological Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Site Boundary
Sites Designated for Relevant Benthic Ecological Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 8.1
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Anglerfish, Blue Whiting, Cod and European Hake (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Anglerfish, Blue Whiting, Cod and European Hake (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Apx Figure 8.2
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Haddock, Herring, Ling and Lemon Sole (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Haddock, Herring, Ling and Lemon Sole (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Apx Figure 8.3
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Mackerel, Plaice, Sandeel and Sprat (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Mackerel, Plaice, Sandeel and Sprat (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Apx Figure 8.4
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Whiting, Spotted Ray and Spurdog (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Spawning and Nursery Areas Overlapping with the Site Boundary for Whiting, Spotted Ray and Spurdog (Source: Coull et al., 1998 and Ellis et al., 2012)
Apx Figure 8.5
ICES Statistical Rectangles in Proximity to the Site Boundary
ICES Statistical Rectangles in Proximity to the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 8.6
Sites Designated for Relevant Fish and Shellfish Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Site Boundary
Sites Designated for Relevant Fish and Shellfish Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 9.1
Marine Mammals Sightings Recorded Between March and June 2021
Marine Mammals Sightings Recorded Between March and June 2021
Apx Figure 9.2
Marine Mammals Sightings Recorded Between July and October 2021
Marine Mammals Sightings Recorded Between July and October 2021
Apx Figure 9.3
Marine Mammals Sightings Between November 2021 and March 2022
Marine Mammals Sightings Between November 2021 and March 2022
Apx Figure 9.4
Marine Mammals Sightings Between March and July 2022
Marine Mammals Sightings Between March and July 2022
Apx Figure 9.5
Marine Mammals Sightings Between August and September 2022
Marine Mammals Sightings Between August and September 2022
Apx Figure 9.6
Sites Designated for Marine Mammal Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Array
Sites Designated for Marine Mammal Features and Other Offshore Infrastructure Within Close Proximity to the Array
Apx Figure 9.7
Harbour Seal At Sea Usage within the Vicinity of the Array (Source: Carter et al., 2022)
Harbour Seal At Sea Usage within the Vicinity of the Array (Source: Carter et al., 2022)
Apx Figure 9.8
Telemetry Tracks for Tagged Harbour Seals (Source: Sinclair, 2021)
Telemetry Tracks for Tagged Harbour Seals (Source: Sinclair, 2021)
Apx Figure 9.9
Management Units for Relevant Marine Mammal Species in the Vicinity of the Array
Management Units for Relevant Marine Mammal Species in the Vicinity of the Array
Apx Figure 9.10
Grey Seal At Sea Usage within the Vicinity of the Array (Source: Carter et al., 2022)
Grey Seal At Sea Usage within the Vicinity of the Array (Source: Carter et al., 2022)
Apx Figure 9.11
Telemetry Tracks for Tagged Grey Seals (Source: Sinclair, 2021)
Telemetry Tracks for Tagged Grey Seals (Source: Sinclair, 2021)
Apx Figure 10.1
First Sales Value (£,000) between 2011 to 2015 for Key Species in 42E9 (Source: MMO, 2017)
First Sales Value (£,000) between 2011 to 2015 for Key Species in 42E9 (Source: MMO, 2017)
Apx Figure 10.2
First Sales Value (£,000) Between 2016 to 2021 for Key Species in 42E9 (Source: MMO, 2022)
First Sales Value (£,000) Between 2016 to 2021 for Key Species in 42E9 (Source: MMO, 2022)
Apx Figure 10.3
Summary of Landed Weight (tonnes) per Month in 42E9 Between 2016 to 2021 (Excluding Herring; Source: MMO, 2022)
Summary of Landed Weight (tonnes) per Month in 42E9 Between 2016 to 2021 (Excluding Herring; Source: MMO, 2022)
Apx Figure 10.4
Total Fishing Effort of UK Vessels (>15 m) in 2020 (kW/h) (Source: Marine Scotland, 2021)
Total Fishing Effort of UK Vessels (>15 m) in 2020 (kW/h) (Source: Marine Scotland, 2021)
Apx Figure 10.5
Average Total Fishing Effort for EU Vessels (Including UK) (>12 m) between from 2016 to 2020 (kW/h) (Source: ICES, 2021)
Average Total Fishing Effort for EU Vessels (Including UK) (>12 m) between from 2016 to 2020 (kW/h) (Source: ICES, 2021)
Apx Figure 10.7
Average SAR for EU Vessels (including UK) (>12 m) Between 2016 to 2020 in the Vicinity of the Commercial Fisheries Study Area (Source: ICES, 2021)
Average SAR for EU Vessels (including UK) (>12 m) Between 2016 to 2020 in the Vicinity of the Commercial Fisheries Study Area (Source: ICES, 2021)
Apx Figure 11.1
Position of UKHO Records in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Position of UKHO Records in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary
Apx Figure 11.2
Location of Maritime Archaeology Identified Within the Initial Geophysical Survey
Location of Maritime Archaeology Identified Within the Initial Geophysical Survey
Tables ▼
Table 1.1
Scoping Requirements of the EIA Regulations and Where the Information is Included in the Array EIA Scoping Report
Scoping Requirements of the EIA Regulations and Where the Information is Included in the Array EIA Scoping Report
Table 1.2
Topics Within this Scoping Report
Topics Within this Scoping Report
Table 2.1
Changes to Maximum Design Envelope Since Pre-Scoping Workshops in November 2022
Changes to Maximum Design Envelope Since Pre-Scoping Workshops in November 2022
Table 2.2
Maximum Design Envelope: Wind Turbines
Maximum Design Envelope: Wind Turbines
Table 2.3
Description of Anchoring Options Considered in the Maximum Design Envelope
Description of Anchoring Options Considered in the Maximum Design Envelope
Table 2.4
Maximum Design Envelope: Wind Turbine Foundations, Mooring Lines and Anchors
Maximum Design Envelope: Wind Turbine Foundations, Mooring Lines and Anchors
Table 2.5
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Topsides
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Topsides
Table 2.6
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Fixed Jacket Foundations
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Fixed Jacket Foundations
Table 2.7
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Floating Foundations, Mooring Lines and Anchors
Maximum Design Envelope: OSP Floating Foundations, Mooring Lines and Anchors
Table 2.8
Maximum Design Envelope: Inter-Array Cables
Maximum Design Envelope: Inter-Array Cables
Table 4.1
Matrix Used for the Assessment of the Significance of the Effect
Matrix Used for the Assessment of the Significance of the Effect
Table 5.1
Potential Impacts Identified for Physical Processes in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Physical Processes in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 5.2
Summary of Key Consultations on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultations on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 5.3
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Environmental Impact Assessment for Physical Processes
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Environmental Impact Assessment for Physical Processes
Table 5.4
Potential Subsea Noise Producing Activities in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Subsea Noise Producing Activities in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 5.5
Subsea Noise Producing Activities Proposed to be Scoped into the Array Assessment for Subsea Noise. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array Area
Subsea Noise Producing Activities Proposed to be Scoped into the Array Assessment for Subsea Noise. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array Area
Table 5.6
Summary of Key Desktop Reports Used to Inform the Airborne Noise Scoping Assessment
Summary of Key Desktop Reports Used to Inform the Airborne Noise Scoping Assessment
Table 5.7
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Airborne Noise in the Absence of Designed In Mitigation Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Airborne Noise in the Absence of Designed In Mitigation Measures
Table 5.8
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Airborne Noise
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Airborne Noise
Table 5.9
Summary of Key Desktop Reports Used to Inform the Offshore Air Quality Scoping Assessment
Summary of Key Desktop Reports Used to Inform the Offshore Air Quality Scoping Assessment
Table 5.10
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Air Quality in the Absence of Designed In Mitigation Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Air Quality in the Absence of Designed In Mitigation Measures
Table 5.11
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Offshore Air Quality
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Offshore Air Quality
Table 5.12
Proposed Climatic Effects to be Considered
Proposed Climatic Effects to be Considered
Table 6.1
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Community Overview from Seagreen 1 and Berwick Bank Site-Specific Benthic Subtidal Ecology Survey Data (Seagreen, 2012, Atkins, 2016, SSER, 2021)
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Community Overview from Seagreen 1 and Berwick Bank Site-Specific Benthic Subtidal Ecology Survey Data (Seagreen, 2012, Atkins, 2016, SSER, 2021)
Table 6.2
Potential Impacts Identified for Benthic Subtidal Ecology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Benthic Subtidal Ecology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 6.3
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 6.4
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Benthic Subtidal Ecology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Benthic Subtidal Ecology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 6.5
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Benthic Subtidal Ecology
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Benthic Subtidal Ecology
Table 6.6
Key Species with Geographic Spawning and Nursery Grounds which Overlap with the Site Boundary. Spawning and Nursery Intensity Specified Where Available. Adapted from Coull et al. (1998) and Ellis et al. (2012)
Key Species with Geographic Spawning and Nursery Grounds which Overlap with the Site Boundary. Spawning and Nursery Intensity Specified Where Available. Adapted from Coull et al. (1998) and Ellis et al. (2012)
Table 6.7
Potential Impacts Identified for Fish and Shellfish Ecology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Fish and Shellfish Ecology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 6.8
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 6.9
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Fish and Shellfish Ecology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Fish and Shellfish Ecology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 6.10
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Table 6.11
Potential Impacts Identified for Marine Mammals in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Marine Mammals in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 6.12
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 6.13
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Marine Mammals. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Marine Mammals. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 6.14
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Marine Mammals
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Marine Mammals
Table 6.15
Occurrence and Abundance of Seabird Species Recorded in the Offshore Ornithology Aerial Survey Study Area During the First Year of Surveys1
Occurrence and Abundance of Seabird Species Recorded in the Offshore Ornithology Aerial Survey Study Area During the First Year of Surveys1
Table 6.16
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Offshore Ornithology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Offshore Ornithology. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 6.17
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 6.18
Seasonal Definitions of Key Seabird Species Recorded During the First Year of Baseline Surveys (NatureScot, 2020b)
Seasonal Definitions of Key Seabird Species Recorded During the First Year of Baseline Surveys (NatureScot, 2020b)
Table 6.19
Mean Maximum Foraging Ranges and Standard Deviation of Key Seabird Species Recorded During the First Year of Baseline Surveys
Mean Maximum Foraging Ranges and Standard Deviation of Key Seabird Species Recorded During the First Year of Baseline Surveys
Table 6.20
Species Parameters to be Used in CRM (See Text for Further Details)
Species Parameters to be Used in CRM (See Text for Further Details)
Table 7.1
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2011 and 2021 (Source: MMO, 2017, 2022)
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2011 and 2021 (Source: MMO, 2017, 2022)
Table 7.2
Potential Impacts Identified for Commercial Fisheries in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Commercial Fisheries in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 7.3
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Summary of Key Consultation on the Scoping Assessment for the Array
Table 7.4
Potential Impacts Proposed to be Scoped in to the Array Environmental Impact Assessment for Commercial Fisheries. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Potential Impacts Proposed to be Scoped in to the Array Environmental Impact Assessment for Commercial Fisheries. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 7.5
Summary of Datasets Used for the Shipping and Navigation Baseline
Summary of Datasets Used for the Shipping and Navigation Baseline
Table 7.6
Potential Impacts Identified for Shipping and Navigation in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Shipping and Navigation in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 7.7
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped into the Array Assessment for Shipping and Navigation. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped into the Array Assessment for Shipping and Navigation. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 7.8
IMO FSA Risk Matrix
IMO FSA Risk Matrix
Table 7.9
Potential Impacts Identified for Aviation, Military and Communications in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Aviation, Military and Communications in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 7.10
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Aviation, Military and Communications. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Array Assessment for Aviation, Military and Communications. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 7.11
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Aviation, Military and Communications
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Aviation, Military and Communications
Table 7.12
Potential Impacts Identified for Marine Archaeology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Marine Archaeology in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 7.13
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Marine Archaeology
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Marine Archaeology
Table 7.14
Criteria for the Assessment of Archaeological Potential to be applied within the Marine Archaeology Technical Report
Criteria for the Assessment of Archaeological Potential to be applied within the Marine Archaeology Technical Report
Table 7.15
Potential Impacts Identified for Seascape, Landscape and Visual Environment in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Seascape, Landscape and Visual Environment in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 7.16
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Seascape, Landscape and Visual Environment and Cultural Heritage Setting
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Seascape, Landscape and Visual Environment and Cultural Heritage Setting
Table 7.17
Summary of Key Desktop Reports
Summary of Key Desktop Reports
Table 7.18
Potential Impacts Identified for infrastructure and Other Users in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for infrastructure and Other Users in the Absence of Designed In Measures
Table 7.19
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Environmental Impact Assessment for Infrastructure and Other Users. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Into the Environmental Impact Assessment for Infrastructure and Other Users. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 7.20
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Environmental Impact Assessment for Infrastructure and Other Users
Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Environmental Impact Assessment for Infrastructure and Other Users
Table 7.21
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Socio-economics in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Socio-economics in the Absence of Designed in Measures
Table 7.22
Impacts to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Offshore Socio-Economics. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Impacts to be Scoped In to the Array Assessment for Offshore Socio-Economics. Project Phase Refers to Construction (C), Operation and Maintenance (O) and Decommissioning (D) Phase of the Array
Table 8.1
Overview of Technical Topics Considered within this Scoping Report, Scoped In/Out Status and Justification for Scoping In/Out
Overview of Technical Topics Considered within this Scoping Report, Scoped In/Out Status and Justification for Scoping In/Out
Apx Table 1.1
Key Application Programme Milestones
Key Application Programme Milestones
Annex Table 1.1
Remit and Role of Key Stakeholders
Remit and Role of Key Stakeholders
Annex Table 1.2
Indicative Array EIA and HRA Programme
Indicative Array EIA and HRA Programme
Annex Table 1.3
Indicative Anticipated Stakeholder Engagement Requirement (Subject to Receipt of Scoping Opinion) (SN = Subsea Noise, MM = Marine Mammals, CR – Cumulative Routeing, HW – Hazard Workshop, OR – Ornithology and DR – Derogation)
Indicative Anticipated Stakeholder Engagement Requirement (Subject to Receipt of Scoping Opinion) (SN = Subsea Noise, MM = Marine Mammals, CR – Cumulative Routeing, HW – Hazard Workshop, OR – Ornithology and DR – Derogation)
Apx Table 2.1
Array Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register
Array Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register
Apx Table 4.1
Requirements Under The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 and Where These are Proposed to be Addressed in the Array EIA Report
Requirements Under The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 and Where These are Proposed to be Addressed in the Array EIA Report
Apx Table 5.1
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets and Reports
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets and Reports
Apx Table 6.1
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets and Materials
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets and Materials
Apx Table 6.2
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Community Overview from Seagreen 1 and Berwick Bank Site-Specific Benthic Subtidal Ecology Survey Data (Seagreen, 2012, Atkins, 2016, SSER, 2022)
Benthic Subtidal Ecology Community Overview from Seagreen 1 and Berwick Bank Site-Specific Benthic Subtidal Ecology Survey Data (Seagreen, 2012, Atkins, 2016, SSER, 2022)
Apx Table 6.3
Summary of Protected and/or Designated Sites with Relevant Benthic Subtidal Ecology in Proximity to the Array
Summary of Protected and/or Designated Sites with Relevant Benthic Subtidal Ecology in Proximity to the Array
Apx Table 8.1
Summary of Key Desktop Reports for Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Summary of Key Desktop Reports for Fish and Shellfish Ecology
Apx Table 8.2
Timings and Durations of Diadromous Fish Species Relevant to the Array
Timings and Durations of Diadromous Fish Species Relevant to the Array
Apx Table 8.3
Key Species with Geographic Spawning and Nursery Grounds which Overlap with the Site Boundary. Spawning and Nursery Intensity Specified Where Available. Adapted from Coull et al. (1998) and Ellis et al. (2012)
Key Species with Geographic Spawning and Nursery Grounds which Overlap with the Site Boundary. Spawning and Nursery Intensity Specified Where Available. Adapted from Coull et al. (1998) and Ellis et al. (2012)
Apx Table 8.4
Summary of Designated Sites for Fish and Shellfish Features in Proximity to the Array
Summary of Designated Sites for Fish and Shellfish Features in Proximity to the Array
Apx Table 9.1
Summary of Key Desktop Reports to Inform Marine Mammal Scoping Assessment
Summary of Key Desktop Reports to Inform Marine Mammal Scoping Assessment
Apx Table 9.2
Summary of Protected and/or Designated Sites with Marine Mammal Features in Proximity to the Array
Summary of Protected and/or Designated Sites with Marine Mammal Features in Proximity to the Array
Apx Table 10.1
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets
Summary of Key Desktop Datasets
Apx Table 10.2
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2011 and 2015 (Source: MMO, 2017)
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2011 and 2015 (Source: MMO, 2017)
Apx Table 10.3
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2016 to 2021 (Source: MMO, 2022)
Summary of Key Fisheries Statistics for ICES Rectangle 42E9 and all ICES Rectangles in the UK EEZ between 2016 to 2021 (Source: MMO, 2022)
Apx Table 10.4
Contribution of Haddock to Total Landed Weight and Total First Sales Value for ICES Rectangle 42E9 Between 2011 and 2021
Contribution of Haddock to Total Landed Weight and Total First Sales Value for ICES Rectangle 42E9 Between 2011 and 2021
Apx Table 11.1
Summary of Key Data Sources
Summary of Key Data Sources
Apx Table 11.2
Offshore Geophysical Survey Specification
Offshore Geophysical Survey Specification
Apx Table 11.3
Overview of Scottish Archaeological Chronology
Overview of Scottish Archaeological Chronology
Apx Table 11.4
Recorded Losses Attributed to Coordinates Within the Marine Archaeology Study Area (Canmore, 2022)
Recorded Losses Attributed to Coordinates Within the Marine Archaeology Study Area (Canmore, 2022)
Apx Table 11.5
Gazetteer of Maritime Archaeology Identified within the Initial Geophysical Survey (Ocean Infinity, 2022b)
Gazetteer of Maritime Archaeology Identified within the Initial Geophysical Survey (Ocean Infinity, 2022b)
Apx Table 12.1
Population by Age Group, 2020
Population by Age Group, 2020
Apx Table 12.2
Population Projections, 2020-2045
Population Projections, 2020-2045
Apx Table 12.3
Employment in Selected Industries, 2020
Employment in Selected Industries, 2020