5.3.1. Introduction
- This section of this Scoping Report presents the relevant airborne noise aspects to the Array and considers the scope of assessment on airborne noise from the construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning of the Array.
5.3.2. Study Area
- As this Scoping Report is only concerning the offshore components of the Array, no study area specific to airborne noise was defined as noise effects are unlikely to extend to any sensitive receptors. Piling during the construction phase will have the potential to create the highest levels of airborne noise, however, significant noise and vibration effects are unlikely to extend beyond 10 km from any piling activity (Van Renterghem et al., 2014a, 2014b).
- Furthermore, due to the offshore focus of this Scoping Report, human receptors (e.g. residential areas and public spaces) and time-sensitive activity (e.g. working during daytime hours to avoid noise-sensitive night time hours) will not be considered with regards to airborne noise.
- The site boundary will therefore be the study area for airborne noise.
5.3.3. Baseline Environment
- The literature used to support this Scoping Report is comprised of the desktop reports, summarised in Table 5.6 Open ▸ .
Table 5.6: Summary of Key Desktop Reports Used to Inform the Airborne Noise Scoping Assessment
- commercial shipping vessels; and
- commercial fishing vessels which may be up to 500 m away from the Array during each phase of development.
Site-specific survey data
- There were no site-specific surveys undertaken to inform this Scoping Report for airborne noise. This is due to the availability of sufficient information on the baseline environment to support the decision to scope airborne noise out of the Array EIA Report.
5.3.4. Potential Array Impacts
- A list of all potential impacts on airborne noise which may occur during the construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning phases of the Array in the absence of designed in measures is included in Table 5.7 Open ▸ .
Table 5.7: Potential Impacts Identified for Offshore Airborne Noise in the Absence of Designed In Mitigation Measures
5.3.5. Designed In Measures
- The following designed in measures have been considered in the identification of potential impacts that have been scoped out of the Array assessment, including how these can reduce potential for impact ( Table 5.8 Open ▸ ):
- the use of BPM to reduce the impacts of airborne noise upon the sensitive receptors listed in paragraph 276 above; and
- monitoring of airborne noise related complaints and undertaking appropriate remedial action.
5.3.6. Potential Impacts After the Implementation of Designed in Measures
- Table 5.8 Open ▸ describes the potential impacts to airborne noise that have been scoped out of the assessment presently.
Table 5.8: Impacts Proposed to be Scoped Out of the Array Assessment for Airborne Noise
5.3.7. Proposed Approach to the Environmental Impact Assessment
- There is no proposed approach to the Array EIA applicable to airborne noise as it is proposed to be scoped out of further assessment.
5.3.8. Potential Cumulative Effects
- The nearest offshore wind farm projects are Seagreen 1 (formerly known as Seagreen Alpha and Bravo), Seagreen 1A, and Berwick Bank, located 57 km, 66.40 km, and 56.77 km respectively, away from the site boundary. There are also other offshore wind farm projects in the Firth of Forth region, such as Inch Cape and Neart na Gaoithe, however these are located further inshore (86.90 km, and 105 km, respectively) ( Figure 5.2 Open ▸ ). There are also a number of ScotWind Awarded Sites in the vicinity of the Array, such as Morven (5.5 km), Bellrock (8.67 km), Cluaran Deas Ear (25.36 km), CampionWind (44.15 km), and Muir Mhòr (51.38 km) ( Figure 5.2 Open ▸ ). On the basis that no impacts due to airborne noise are proposed to be scoped in for the Array and due to sufficient distances between the site boundary and the other aforementioned offshore wind farm projects, it is proposed that no cumulative assessment regarding airborne noise will be required for the Array. Due to the low likelihood of impacts to airborne noise arising from the Array, cumulative effects due to potential overlaps in construction with the other projects, for example, are also unlikely.
- Similarly, there are also leasing and oil and gas activities within the North Sea, however these activities are also not expected to result in cumulative effects due to distance and the lack of receptor impact pathways for airborne noise.
5.3.9. Potential Transboundary Impacts
- Appendix 3 presents the transboundary impacts screening which has been carried out for the Array. This screening exercise identified that there is no potential for transboundary impacts related to airborne noise due to construction, operational and maintenance, and decommissioning impacts of the Array.
5.3.10. Scoping Questions to Consultees
- Do you agree that the existing data available to describe the offshore airborne noise baseline remains sufficient in relation to the Array?
- Do you agree that the assessment of airborne noise receptors can be scoped out of the Array EIA including cumulative and transboundary effects ( Table 5.8 Open ▸ )?
5.3.11. Next Steps
- The next step is to seek agreement on the proposal to scope airborne noise out of further assessment within the Array EIA Report.
Figure 5.2: Offshore Wind Farms in the Vicinity of the Site Boundary