Annex A
A.1 Aims, Scope and Format of the Proposed Consultation
A.1.1 Scope
- As part of post-Scoping engagement for the Array, it is envisaged that the Applicant will require to engage with key stakeholders on an as-needed basis to ensure delivery or a proportionate and transparent Application, taking into account new guidance and methodologies provided by MS-LOT, MSS and NatureScot where possible. Section A.2 outlines the current known stakeholders that Ossian anticipate will require engagement in line with the key topics outlined within this dSEP, and section A.3 sets out the key topics and issues that may require discussion and agreement.
- This dSEP has been developed to optimise those EIA topic areas where it is considered that there is the greatest need for post-scoping engagement based on high consent risk, uncertainty around EIA methods and technical assessments including agreeing key assessment approaches and parameters, HRA considerations including derogation and compensation development and discussions around the adequacy of baseline data.
- It is proposed that the key topic areas that will be consulted on as per the approach set out in this dSEP are as follows:
- Marine mammal ecology;
- Subsea noise (captured within the marine mammal consultation);
- Ornithology; and
- Shipping and Navigation
- Details of the key areas for discussion are set out within
Annex Table 1.3
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. It is currently considered that benthic ecology and fish and shellfish ecology will require less post scoping engagement and it is therefore proposed that this be excluded from the approach set out within the dSEP subject to receipt of the advice received within the Scoping Opinion.
- Other EIA topics not considered within this dSEP will be subject to their own consultation process as agreed with relevant stakeholders.
- Key Stakeholders
- The following organisations are considered key stakeholders to the Ossian Array:
- MSS;
- NatureScot;
- MCA;
- NLB;
- SFF;
- SWFPA; and
Annex Table 1.1
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sets out the remit and role in the context of the EIA/and HRA processes for each of the stakeholders listed above.
- The Applicant will maintain an up-to-date list of key contacts/case offices for each organisation listed in
Annex Table 1.1
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and it is assumed said organisations will engage technical specialists as required throughout the consultation process.
Annex Table 1.1
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: Remit and Role of Key Stakeholders
Stakeholder | Remit | Role in EIA/HRA Process |
NatureScot | Lead advisory body to Scottish Government on nature, wildlife management and landscape management across Scotland | Statutory Nature Conservation Advisor |
MS-LOT | Authority responsible for issue of Marine Licences for licensable activities in Scottish Waters | Regulatory Authority under the EIA regulations, and Competent Authority under the HRA regulations. |
MSS | Supporting Scottish Government in managing marine and coastal environments to meet the long-term needs of both nature and people. | Statutory Advisor |
RSPB | Lead advisory body to Scottish Government on Ornithology | Non-statutory Consultee |
MCA | Lead advisory body to Scottish Government on shipping and navigation | Statutory Advisor |
NLB | Lead advisory body to Scottish Government on shipping and navigation | Statutory Advisor |
SFF | Lead advisory body to Scottish Government on commercial fisheries | Non-statutory Consultee |
SWFPA | Advisory body to Scottish Government on commercial fisheries | Non-statutory Consultee |
NECRIFG | Advisory body to Scottish Government on commercial fisheries | Non-statutory Consultee |
A.3 Programme
A.3.1 Anticipated Ossian Array Programme
Annex Table 1.2
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below provides an indicative programme for key stages of the Ossian Array pre-application process.
Annex Table 1.2
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: Indicative Array EIA and HRA Programme
Detail | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 |
Array EIA/HRA Scoping Workshops | | | | | | | |
Submission of Array EIA Scoping Report | | | | | | | |
Submission of Array LSE Screening Report | | | | | | | |
Submission of Array Consent Application | | | | | | | |
A.3.2 Anticipated Need for Stakeholder Discussions
Annex Table 1.3
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sets out indicative anticipated requirement for focused stakeholder feedback/engagement in relation to key aspects of each technical topic of the Ossian Array pre-Application development. Any updates to this table will be clearly communicated in advance, and in good time, to all relevant stakeholders to optimise the stakeholder engagement process.
- Each of the shaded cells in
Annex Table 1.3
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relates to one meeting for the specific topic detailed, with each meeting anticipated to last no longer than two hours.
Annex Table 1.3
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: Indicative Anticipated Stakeholder Engagement Requirement (Subject to Receipt of Scoping Opinion) (SN = Subsea Noise, MM = Marine Mammals, CR – Cumulative Routeing, HW – Hazard Workshop, OR – Ornithology and DR – Derogation)
Detail | 2023 | 2024 |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb |
Benthic Ecology and Fish and Shellfish Ecology: - Minimal consultation anticipated, specific discussions subject to Scoping Opinion
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subsea Noise and Marine Mammal Ecology: - Subsea noise method for pile source determination
- Marine Mammals – approach to assessment of disturbance as a result of piling, mitigation zone to be applied for piling (and potentially Unexploded Ordnance (UXO))
- Marine Mammals – proposed mitigation for piling (and potentially UXO)
| | | | | | | | SN | | | MM | | MM | |
Commercial Fisheries: - Assessment of commercial scale floating
- Progress, mitigation measures (consultation expected with fishers only)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shipping and Navigation: - Assessment of commercial scale floating
- Cumulative routeing (to be discussed with MCA, NLB, UK Chamber of Shipping, vessel operators and suitable recreational representatives)
- Hazard workshop
| | | CR | CR | | | | | HW | | | | | |
Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA): - Long list and topic short lists
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ornithology: - Density estimation methods
- Agreeing parameters for Ornithology Collision Risk Modelling (CRM)
- Agreeing requirement and parameters for Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to understand long term effects on seabird colonies
- NatureScot guidance (assessment approach and tools)
- Developing appropriate EIA methods in the context of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and associated impacts on affected colonies[15];
- Mitigation measures
- HRA and RIAA
- Derogation and compensation measures development
| | | | | | | | | OR | DR | OR | DR | OR | DR |
New Guidance/change in Guidance: - Strategic Compensation Measures
- Iterative Plan Review of Sectoral Marine Plan
- Cumulative Effects Framework and the general approach to cumulative assessment given the number of Scotwind projects
- Update to Licensing and consenting manual
- NatureScot bird impact assessment guidance
- NatureScot guidance on avian flu
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |