Appendix 2 Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register

Appendix 2
Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register

2.1.        Introduction

  1. A number of designed in measures have been applied in this Scoping Report and are detailed in each technical section. Apx Table 2.1   Open ▸ summarises the mitigation and monitoring commitments presented in more detail within each topic section of this Scoping Report which are categorised, as per section 4.3.2, as either:
  • primary (inherent) mitigation (P);
  • secondary (foreseeable) mitigation (S); or
  • tertiary (inexorable) mitigation (T)
  1. Both primary and tertiary mitigation measures are considered as designed in measures as they are incorporated as part of the project design. Therefore, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can be undertaken assuming that these designed in measures will be implemented during the relevant project phase. As a result, potential effects which might arise prior to the implementation of designed in measures do not need to be identified as potential effects as there is no potential for them to arise (IEMA, 2016).
  2. It is expected that the Array EIA Scoping Opinion and post-Scoping stakeholder engagement will inform further development of the mitigation measures as the EIA progresses. Therefore, this mitigation and monitoring commitments register ( Apx Table 2.1   Open ▸ ) is a ‘live’ document which will be updated throughout the EIA process.


Apx Table 2.1:
Array Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register

Apx Table 2.1   Open ▸ : Array Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments Register