Appendix 1 Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Appendix 1
Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1 Aim of this document
- Ossian OWFL (the Applicant) have developed this dSEP for the Array and associated offshore infrastructure, which sets out the likely future consultation requirements associated with the EIA and HRA following receipt of the Scoping Opinion to application submission.
- From experience of developing OWFs in Scotland, technical clarifications and engagement with stakeholders is required following receipt of the Scoping Opinion. This dSEP provides MS- LOT and Stakeholders the information on likely requirements based on this experience. The aim is to ensure further consultation is well planned, focused, direct and progresses in an efficient manner. This aims to allow consultation to be optimised and progress efficiently, limiting resource requirements from stakeholders. Annex A sets out the likely requirements.
- The Applicant is seeking feedback from stakeholders on their availability for this future engagement, as part of the Array Scoping Opinion, to ensure it is clear and that relevant parties are aligned on post-Scoping engagement commitments. Upon receipt of the Scoping Opinion, the Applicant will update stakeholders on actual engagement requirements as early as possible. Throughout any engagement the Applicant will ensure that meetings are focused, with clear aims and purpose. This information will be provided to stakeholders in advance to allow preparation to ensure meetings are carried out efficiently.
1.1.2 Application Timeframes
- The key milestones associated with the application for the Ossian Array are set out in Apx Table 1.1 Open ▸ .
Apx Table 1.1 Open ▸ : Key Application Programme Milestones
1.1.3 Consultations to Date
- The Applicant has engaged with MS-LOT through quarterly meetings since the conclusion of the ScotWind leasing round. These meetings are arranged by MS-LOT. The purpose of these meetings is to provide general project updates and receive notification of any forthcoming regulatory guidance or updates. NatureScot are invited to attend these calls. It is anticipated that these meetings will continue throughout the pre-application phase. Where appropriate to do so and in agreement with MS-LOT some of the technical consultation set out in Annex 1 may be incorporated into quarterly meetings.
- Pre-Scoping and HRA workshops for the Array were held in November 2022, covering a range of technical topics. These workshops were held with:
- Marine Scotland Science (MSS);
- NatureScot;
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB);
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA); and
- Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB).
- The aim of these workshops was to present the approach to scoping in those impacts considered likely, based on current knowledge and baseline data, to have a significant effect on the receiving environment and therefore to be assessed as part of the Array EIA and RIAA; as well as agreeing on potential impacts to be scoped out. The information provided in the Array EIA Scoping Report and LSE Screening Report builds upon the feedback received at the pre-Scoping workshops and sets out the intended scope of the Array EIA Report and RIAA.
- The Applicant aims to develop a proportionate EIA Report and RIAA. Key to achieving this is engagement with stakeholders to incorporate advice, address concerns and develop appropriate mitigation required following receipt of the Scoping Opinion and prior to submission of the Application. The Applicant also aim to use stakeholder engagement to develop appropriate compensation measures, where required, following feedback on the LSE Screening Report as part of the HRA process. All consultation feedback provided will therefore inform and be included within the Array EIA Report, RIAA and wider supporting documentation that will accompany the Application.
1.1.4 strategic Collaboration
- The Applicant has taken part in developer led strategic collaborations with other ScotWind developers to date. As a result of this collaboration, it might be possible to combine consultation events, where appropriate to do so, to minimise stakeholder resourcing requirements. Ossian will consider this approach and discuss it with other ScotWind developers.
1.2. Approach to Future engagement
1.2.1 Post-scoping consultation
- Key topic areas have been identified for further discussion as part of an iterative EIA and HRA process, to ensure that stakeholders’ views are fully incorporated into the technical assessments presented in the Array EIA Report and RIAA. These key topic areas are detailed in annex A.
- Whilst the Applicant has endeavoured to present key aspects of the technical assessments within the Array EIA Scoping Report, it was not possible to fully set out the final EIA approach at this stage as described above. In addition to this, the Applicant is not able to account for any new guidance that may come out following production and submission of the Array EIA Scoping Report. To account for these areas of uncertainty, ongoing (albeit focused and targeted) engagement is considered integral in developing a high quality and robust EIA and RIAA that addresses key areas of concerns while limiting potential delays to MS-LOT’s determination process. To date, it has been the intention of developers in collaboration with stakeholders to resolve key issues in advance of applications, to allow for the evaluation and determination of each application in an efficient manner. This may be more pertinent to assist in addressing the current global climate change emergency and to meet Scotland’s net zero ambitions.
- Annex A sets out the proposed timeline for post-Scoping stakeholder engagement for the Array. By providing this information upfront it will hopefully aid stakeholders with forward planning. As noted above, this DSEP will be updated following receipt of the Scoping Opinion.
- The following provides a summary of post-Scoping consultation targets that the Applicant is seeking feedback on that aims to manage post-Scoping consultation:
- the Applicant to provide at least six weeks notice prior to a consultation meeting;
- the Applicant to circulate pre-meeting information for discussion during the consultation meeting three weeks in advance of said meeting;
- Stakeholders are requested to review said documentation prior to the consultation meeting;
- Stakeholders the Applicant to try and ensure that relevant topic-specific technical specialists can attend relevant consultation meetings;
- the Applicant to provide meeting minutes no later than three weeks after consultation meeting; and
- Stakeholders to review and provide feedback of any changes required to meeting minutes and any actions recorded two weeks after dissemination of meeting minutes.
1.3. Next Steps
- As described in Apx Table 1.1 Open ▸ , following submission of the Array EIA Scoping Report and LSE Screening Report, the Applicant intends to continue engaging with stakeholders, where necessary, in the interest of Ossian and the determination phase. As such the key next steps for Ossian are as follows:
- consult with relevant stakeholders on this dSEP, as part of the Array EIA/HRA Scoping process;
- update the dSEP based on feedback received from stakeholders as part of the Array EIA Scoping Opinion;
- incorporate feedback received in the Array EIA Scoping Opinion into the Array EIA Report and RIAA; and
- monitor stakeholder consultation following receipt of the Scoping Opinion.