8. Summary of the Array EIA Scoping Report

Summary of the Array EIA Scoping Report

8.1. Overview

  1. The Applicant is developing Ossian, an offshore wind farm project within the E1 PO Area. The Array is the subject of this Scoping Report, which is located approximately 80 km south-east of Aberdeen, and will comprise floating wind turbines, Offshore Substation Platforms (OSPs), inter-array cables and interconnector cables.
  2. The potential significant effects associated with the construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning phases of the Array on a range of receptors have been identified in this Scoping Report and are detailed in sections 5 to 7. Within each section, a proposed approach to assessment has been included.
  3. Table 8.1   Open ▸ presents the technical topics considered within this Scoping Report and whether these topics are proposed to be scoped in or scoped out of the Array EIA Report.

8.2. Cumulative Effects Summary

  1. Each technical topic presented within this Scoping Report details the potential cumulative effects associated with the given topic. The Array EIA Report will include a detailed cumulative effects assessment, which will follow the methodology set out in section 4.3.7 of this Scoping Report.
  2. A summary of the projects and/or activities which will be considered for cumulative effects include:
  • marine aggregates and disposal;
  • energy (including offshore wind, wave and tidal projects (including Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) projects), cables, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG));
  • oil and gas infrastructure;
  • cables and pipelines;
  • ports and harbours; and
  • military, aviation and radar.

8.3. Transboundary Impacts

  1. Appendix 3 presents the transboundary screening assessment for the Array. The following topics have been screened into further consideration of transboundary impacts:
  • offshore ornithology;
  • commercial fisheries;
  • shipping and navigation; and
  • offshore socio-economics.

8.4. Next Steps

  1. The proposed approach to stakeholder engagement during the pre-application phase is outlined in section 4.3.4. The Array is located within Scottish offshore waters, therefore, the PAC Regulations do not apply. However, the Applicant proposes to follow the principles of the PAC Regulations for the Array as these Regulations are considered good practice for undertaking public engagement.
  2. The Applicant proposes to hold at least one pre-application event, for example, in the form of a public exhibition, in 2023 with further details of this event advertised in the future. Where appropriate to do so and if sufficient information on the grid connection and onshore elements of the project are available, public consultation will be carried out for the onshore and offshore elements at the same event to give a full understanding of the whole project.
  3. It is considered that post-Scoping consultation with key statutory and non-statutory stakeholders is required pre-application to discuss and agree key technical assessment methods to ensure a robust EIA. The Applicant has developed a dSEP which aims to optimise key consultation requirements through the pre-application phase (Appendix 1). The Applicant will aim to minimise post-scoping engagement to priority topics and will aim to keep consultation focused and restricted to specific topic areas where key parameters or techniques could not be agreed through the formal scoping process. The outcomes of this consultation will inform the preparation of technical assessments and the Array EIA Report. The Array EIA Report will provide a summary of key consultation undertaken, including the outcomes of the public exhibition.
Table 8.1:
Overview of Technical Topics Considered within this Scoping Report, Scoped In/Out Status and Justification for Scoping In/Out

Table 8.1: Overview of Technical Topics Considered within this Scoping Report, Scoped In/Out Status and Justification for Scoping In/Out